In point of fact,
whatever one makes of oneself, one becomes that. The source of happiness or
unhappiness is all in man himself. When he is unaware of this, he is not able
to arrange his life, but as he becomes more acquainted with this secret, he
gains mastery, and the process by which this mastery is attained is the only
fulfillment of the purpose of this life. It is this process which is explained
by Attar in his description of the seven valleys through which this Bird of the
Sky has passed.
The Valley of the Quest
When you enter
the first valley, the Valley of the Quest, a hundred difficulties will assail
you; you will undergo a hundred trials. There, the Parrot of heaven is no more
than a fly. You will have to spend several years there, you will have to make
great efforts, and to change your state. You will have to give up all that has
seemed precious to you and regard as nothing all that you possess. When you are
sure that you possess nothing, you still will have to detach yourself from all
that exists. Your heart will then be saved from perdition and you will see the
pure light of Divine Majesty and your real wishes will be multiplied to
infinity. One who enters here will be filled with such longing that he will
give himself up completely to the quest symbolized by this valley. He will ask
of his cup-bearer a draught of wine, and he has drunk it nothing will matter
except the pursuit of his true aim. Then he will no longer fear the dragons,
the guardians of the door, which seek to devour him. When the door is opened
and he enters, then dogma, belief and unbelief--all cease to exist.
The Valley of Love